010. Primobolan Depot

110,000 $

Primobolan (Injectable)
Metenolone enanthate

Price: $110 – To order please Contact Us

At 100 mg/ml is a very good concentration compared with other solutions on the market.

Primobolan is a mild steroid used most likely in cutting and bulking cycles due to its capacity to build long term quality muscle and to avoid muscle waste.

Primobolan is a slow acting steroid and have an half life of about 8 days

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Primobolan Depot 100mg/ml

Ideal for second anabolic in any cycle. We don’t deliver manually. We don’t ship in Kuwait. If you’re looking for a very fast solution for Parabolan in Europe or Italy check Farmacia Italiana Genova.

For orders CONTACT US



Oximetolone Italia